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To provide a safe, caring learning environment where students achieve the academic, personal, and social development required to pursue post-secondary education, compete in a changing job market, and participate in a multicultural, democratic society.
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Dear Parents and students,
华为海思首次跻身全球十大半导体企业-中工企业-中工网:2021-5-8 · 中工企业24小时滚动报道国内外企业最新动态,关注中工企业频道,为广大职工提供最详细的企业、行业相关资讯。 美国时间5月6日,全球半导体市调机构IC Insights发布报告称,华为海思一季度销售额接近27亿美元,其在全球半导体厂商(包括集成电路和O-S-D)中的排名从去年同期的第十五名一跃升 …
去年四季度诺基亚业绩增长盈利提升 发展势头良好 ...:2021-2-14 · 诺基亚与高通宣布在毫米波与sub-6 GHz频段顺利完成5G NR 数据通话测试,进一步加速全球运营商网络实现5G部署。 诺基亚携手中国移动研究院联合发布业界首个具有定位功能的5G 室分融合组网创新方案,可满足大型繁忙建筑内的5G连接需求,并降低运营商的部署成本。
I look forward to another successful school year. Please stay involved, and call on your child’s teacher, counselor, or administrator for any assistance you may need throughout the year.
Go Eagles!
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