The Honors College Office is open, but our staff members are teleworking. We are available for student advising and meetings using Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, or phone. Please email us at ysscloud加速器安卓版下载 or call us at ysscloud加速 to contact our staff. We are here for you!
Through the Honors College Faculty Fellows program, Honors students have access to new, innovative courses on novel topics that allow them to build on their knowledge to make new connections and think about the world in different ways.
Learn more about the seven Faculty Fellows and their courses.Mountaineers on a mission to forge the future
Unparalleled opportunities open to all students to pursue knowledge under the mentorship of renowned faculty.
Visit Undergraduate ResearchSupport for students who want to apply for graduate school and/or nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships such as Rhodes, Fulbright, Truman and Marshall.
Visit ASPIRERigorous preparation for students who plan to apply medical, dental, veterinary, or other professional schools.
Visit Pre-Health