St Gemma Galgani
"The Gem of Christ"
Saint of the Passion of Jesus
Welcome to this website which is devoted to Saint Gemma Galgani, the "Passion Flower". I hope that you will find in Gemma a friend in Jesus and a very special advocate before our loving God.
We can learn so much from Gemma, but perhaps the most important thing is the desire to love God with all our hearts. Gemma was not a person of half measures; she loved God with all of her being. Her heart was all on fire with the love of Jesus, and Jesus was everything to her. To know Saint Gemma is to love her. It is impossible to read her writings and not be touched by the fire of her extraordinary love for God, which she expresses so well in her diary, autobiography and letters. Just one example of her remarkable love for God would be the numerous times that the name of Jesus occurs in her writings. In fact, as one devoted biographer has pointed out, we find that the blessed name of Jesus occurs 1,982 times in Gemma's ecstasies and 1475 times in her letters and 181 times in her autobiography.
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"She bore in her flesh the wounds of Christ" -Pope Pius XI
"Among these Divine favors [that Gemma received] was the very special one of manifesting in her virginal flesh the living image of Christ and mysteriously sharing in the various sufferings of His passion." -Pope Pius XII [From Pope Pius XII Decretal Letter "Sanctitudinis Culmen" ("The high point of sanctity") given for Gemma's canonisation]
Born: March 12, 1878
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Died: Holy Saturday, April 11, 1903
Beatified: May 14, 1933 by Pope Pius XI
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Patron Saint of Students, Pharmacists, Paratroopers and Parachutists, loss of parents, those suffering back injury or back pain, those suffering with headaches/migraines, those struggling with temptations to impurity and those seeking purity of heart.
Feast Day: April 11th (or May 16th for those in the Passionist Congregation).
"All Your works shall give thanks to Thee, oh Lord, and all Your Saints shall bless Thee. Your friends make known, oh Lord, the glorious splendor of Your Kingdom." (Holy Bible, Psalm 145: 10-12)
Latest Articles: St Gemma's feastday this year falls on Holy Saturday, just like it did on the day of her holy death and also SAINT GEMMA "THE GEM OF CHRIST" book by Aloysius McDonough C.P. can now be read for free here and also Litany in honor of St Gemma Galgani and also A new relic crucifix, a new relic locket, and some new relic holy prayer cards in the St Gemma Gift Store and also St Gemma pictures (new) and also April 11th- Feast day of St Gemma and also A recent cure through the intercession of St Gemma and also Litany of St Gemma and also Pope Francis pays homage to St Gemma, offering her 'as an example for youth' and also 如何伪装自己的IP地址?兔子软件IP代理轻松搞定 - 天使嫁衣 ...:2021-11-3 · 如何伪装自己的IP地址?IP代理轻松搞定!随着互联网的普及,人们每天都在和网络打交道。我们都知道,上网是需要使用IP地址的否则无法上网,即使是使用无线网络,也是需要分配IP地址才能连接上网的。若是你有留意连... and also The name "Gemma" is rapidly rising up the baby girl name charts over the past 8 years and also For the feast day of St Gemma (April 11) The closing paragraph of "The Voices of Gemma Galgani" and also St Gemma pictures, page 8 and also A free St Gemma computer desktop background/screen saver and also Radiant Magazine highlights St Gemma in its April 2015 issue and also Pope Francis officially declares a Year of Mercy on the Vigil of Divine Mercy and the feast day of St Gemma (April 11) and also Venerable Fr. Germanus Ruoppolo C.P. eyewitness account of Gemma's ecstasies, stigmata and other mystical gifts and also The last battle & holy death of St Gemma and also St Gemma miraculously appears to a Muslim in Israel and also Some quotes from Gemma's Letters and Ecstasies and also NEW: "The Holy Hour As Practised By St Gemma Galgani" Booklet and also NEW BOOK: The Autobiography and Diary of St Gemma with Novena and Prayers in honor of the Saint and also Italian to English translator wanted and also 网络加速器_网络超级加速器_网络稳定加速器正式版下载_多 ...:2021-6-13 · 网络加速器能有效提高网络的速度,使网络 游戏 顺利进行,互联网正在腾飞,游戏不再延迟,告别卡、离线、登录慢等问题,哪一个是最好的网络加速器?你可以在这一页找到答案。多特软件专题为您提供网络加速器,网络超级加速器,网络稳定加速器正式版下载。and also A glimpse into the daily life of St Gemma and also Recently translated ecstasies of St Gemma 兔子 turbo 加速器 Newly translated letters: Gemma offers to Jesus years off her life for two friends and also The two extraordinary miracles that led to Gemma's canonisation --Click on the links in the right side column for more articles---->>
Also please visit our Website devoted to the lesser known Mystics of the Church and also our other websites devoted to the Miracles of the Saints and also the Miracles of the Church and also 二次进气(节油加速器) 真的有用吗?_汽车医院论坛_太平洋 ...:2021-12-10 · 台湾原装进口M3二次进气(节油加速器)台湾本土热销产品,效果非常出色!省油加速器的原理:省油加速器-以车会友,尽在太平洋 ...
Quotes of St Gemma Galgani:

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On devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary:
"Oh, how I love my Mother! She knows it; and then Jesus Himself gave Her to me, and told me to love Her very much. And what great kindness this Heavenly Mother has always shown me! What would have become of me, if I have not had Her? She has always helped me in my spiritual wants; She has preserved me from countless dangers; She has freed me from the hands of the devil who was ceaselessly coming to attack me; She pleaded my cause with Jesus when I sinned, and She soothed Him when I moved Him to anger by my wicked life; She has taught me to know Him and to love Him, to be good and to please Him. Ah, my dear Mother, I will love Thee always and forever!" Click here for more.....
"Whoever could have imagined, that this evening my dear Mother would have come to see me? I would not have even considered it because I believed that my bad conduct would have prevented it. Yet She had compassion on me. Her presence quickly put me in a state of recollection, and then, as often happens, I lost my senses, and I found myself, I think, with Our Lady of Sorrows. Oh, what happiness! What sweetness of heart I felt during those wonderful moments! Let whoever can, explain it. It seemed to me, after some moments of emotion, that She took me in her lap and made me rest my head on Her shoulder and kept it there for a short time. My heart during that time felt perfectly happy and contented without any other desire." Click here for more...
On receiving Jesus in the Eucharist:
"Is it possible that there are souls who do not understand what the Blessed Eucharist is? Who are insensible to the Divine Presence.....to the mysterious and fervent effusions of the Sacred Heart of my Jesus? O Heart of Jesus! Heart of love!" "Yesterday, in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament I felt myself burning so fiercely that I had to go away. I felt stunned that so many could stay so close to Jesus and not be reduced to ashes. I felt that I would be consumed. Jesus is such a sweet and irresistible Lover; how can one fail to love Him with one's whole heart and soul? How can one not wish to be wholly united in Him, and consumed in the flames of His holy love?" Click here for more..... "
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Gemma pleads for the conversion of a sinner:
“.....You have not measured the Blood that You have shed for sinners, and now do You wish to measure the enormity of our sins? Do You not listen to me? And I, to whom must I turn? You have shed Thy Blood for him as well as for me. Will You save me and not him? I will not rise from here. Save him. Promise me that You will save him. I offer myself victim for all, but particularly for him. I promise not to refuse Thee anything. Will You grant it to me? It is a soul. Remember, oh Jesus, it is a soul that has cost You so much.” Click here for more.....
"...So Jesus, do not leave these poor sinners to themselves. I am willing to do something. You died on the cross; make me die too. Since these sinners are your sons and daughters, do not abandon them. Jesus, I want them all to be saved. If you desert them, there is no hope. Must not I be the one to suffer for them? Then arrange it so. You have so many sinners, but so few victims..."
"I hope for mercy from Jesus, mercy for me and for all poor sinners. If I could, I would atone for all of their sins and also for mine. "
On praying:
“....Let us go to Jesus. He is all alone and hardly anyone thinks of Him. Poor Jesus!” "....See, oh Jesus, even at night, those hours, those hours! I sleep, but Jesus my heart does not sleep. It watches with Thee at all hours." ".....Can You see that as soon as the day breaks I think of You? As evening comes, I am near You.....I am near You at every moment.......I love You, Jesus....." Click here for more.....
On humility:
“.....Oh Jesus, do not let me do things that are above me. I am good for nothing. I do not know how to return all these great graces you have given me. Seek someone else who will know how to do better than I.” “.....Oh Jesus, if people knew me, they would not come and ask for my prayers." To her adoptive mother and friend, Cecilia Giannini, she wrote: “I was so astonished that you asked me to pray for that lady. If you did not know me you might be excused; but you know me well enough! I say no more…What can you expect to obtain through a sinful soul that is full of defects and that is so little, if at all concerned about Jesus? And yet I obey, but do not trust me, for I am good for nothing.” ".....Gemma alone can do nothing. But together Gemma and Jesus can do all things!" Click here for more.....
Her miraculous cure:
"...Just before the cure was granted, Jesus said, embracing me, 'My daughter, I give myself entirely to you and you will be entirely mine.' I saw clearly that Jesus had taken my parents from me and sometimes this made me discouraged, because I believed myself abandoned. That morning I complained to Jesus about this and He, always so good and tender, said to me: 'My daughter, I will always be with you. I will be your Father and She (indicating our Mother of Sorrows) will be your Mother. He who is My hands can never lack fatherly help. You will never lack anything, even though I have taken away from you all earthly consolation and support. Come, draw near to Me, you are my daughter. Are you not happy to be the daughter of Jesus and Mary?'
The overwhelming affections to which Jesus gave rise in my heart kept me from answering. After about two hours had passed I arose. Those in the house wept for joy. I too was happy, not because I was cured but because Jesus had chosen me to be His daughter. Before leaving me that morning Jesus said to me: 绝对永久免费加速器!可以加速steam下载!不能用砍我 ...:2021-1-20 · 本视频软件只能游戏加速,无任何违规内容 好的,感谢你点开了这个视频,喜欢的不妨素质三连,链接在评论区!再说一遍!不是兔子,是游戏加速器!!!不要讨论违规内容!! 以后还有新的视 … And this has been so true because Jesus has always protected me in a special way. I have treated Him only with coldness and indifference and in exchange He has given me only signs of His infinite love." Click here for more.....
Union with God and desire for heaven:
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Gemma receives the Stigmata:
".....At that moment Jesus appeared with all His wounds open, but blood no longer came out of those wounds. Rather, flames of fire issued forth from them and in an instant these flames came to touch my hands, my feet and my heart. I felt as if I would die. I fell to the floor, but my Mother supported me, keeping me covered in Her mantle." Click here for more.....
Jesus teaches Gemma the value of suffering:
“…Jesus in His infinite charity continued His graces and favors to me. One day He said to me lovingly: 'Daughter, what should I say to you, when in your doubts, your sufferings and your adversities, you think of going to others rather than coming to Me, and you seek alleviation and comfort other than Mine.' Click 兔子 turbo 加速器 for more
"I knew that I deserved these reproofs, nevertheless I continued as usual, and Jesus rebuked me again saying, 'Gemma, do you realize that you are offending Me when in your great need you come to Me last, after other creatures who cannot give you consolation? I suffer, My daughter, when I see that you forget Me.'
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"It is true Jesus, if I think of what I have gone through as a child, and now as a grown up girl, I see that I have always had crosses to bear; But oh! how wrong are those who say that suffering is a misfortune!" Click here and also here for more.....
Quotes from her Letters:
“.....Oh, when I see Jesus in tears it pierces my heart. I realize that I, by my sins, have increased the suffering which overwhelmed Him while He prayed in the garden. At that moment, Jesus saw all my sins, all my failings, and He saw also that place I should have occupied in hell, if Thy Heart, oh Jesus, had not pardoned me” Click here for more.....
"My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak, weak because I am so lazy. What would I not do for Jesus! For anyone who had just one of His glances, it would suffice; what force, what vigor he would feel! I feel that I would do anything for Him to see Him content; the greatest torment would seem to me easy to bear supported by Him, every drop of my blood I would give willingly, and all to satisfy Him, to prevent poor sinners from offending Him. My God, what do I say? I should wish my voice to reach to the uttermost ends of the earth; I should wish to have all sinners understand me. I should want to cry out to them: 'Rather than insult Jesus, prefer to be insulted yourselves.' If you knew, Father, how Jesus is afflicted in certain moments at certain times! Oh, it is not possible to bear the sight of Him longing and, yet, how few are those who suffer with Him? Very few, and Jesus finds Himself almost alone. It is so sad to see Jesus in the midst of sorrows! But how can one see Him in that state and not aid Him? 飞兔加速器官网
"Jesus continues to make me aware of Himself several times a day; in the evening, the morning, and at all times and in all places . . . And what strength it takes for me to hide this from others, especially when I am in the Church, outside, or even when I find myself alone." 蓝兔子加速器
From her recorded ecstasies:
"My God, open Your heart to me. Oh Jesus, open Your sacred breast to me, so I may place all my affections there. And you, oh Jesus, You said many times that You would welcome me generously: is that true my Jesus? How much I love You, oh Jesus! I thank you; but why do You behave so lovingly while I offend You with such ingratitude? This thought alone should make me become a flame of love, if only I could understand it well ... I love You, oh Jesus. What a fine love is mine, loving someone who does not get angry with those who offend Him!...... Oh Jesus, if I were to consider attentively the great cares You show me, how I ought to excel in so many virtues!" Click here for more.....
Attacks by the devil:
"....Today I thought I was to be entirely free from that nauseous animal, and instead he has knocked me about greatly. I had gone to bed with the full intention of sleeping, but it turned out otherwise. He began to beat me with such blows that I feared I would die. He was in the shape of a big black dog, and he put his "paws" on my shoulders, hurting me greatly. I felt it so much in all my bones that I thought that they were broken. Also, when I was taking holy water he wrenched my arm so violently that I fell to the floor from the pain. The bone was dislocated, but went back into place because Jesus touched it for me, and all was remedied." Click here for more.....
From her Diary:
".....Jesus, as soon as he arrived on my tongue (the cause so often of so many sins), made Himself felt immediately. I was no longer in myself but Jesus was in me; He descended to my breast. (I say breast, because I no longer have a heart; I gave it to Jesus' Mom.) What happy moments I spent with Jesus! How could I return His affections? With what words could I express His love, and for this poor creature? Yet He did deign to come. It's truly impossible, yes, it is impossible not to love Jesus. How many times He asked me if I love Him and if I truly love Him. And do you still doubt it, my Jesus? So, He unites ever more closely with me, talks to me, says He wants me to be perfect, that He too loves me very much and I should reciprocate." Click here for more.....
From her Autobiography:
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There are over 70 articles on this website, including St Gemma's entire Autobiography and Diary, along with many of her Letters and recorded Ecstasies. Please use the menu options on the right to view the articles that interest you. --->>

Click here for free St Gemma holy prayer card
Click here for St Gemma holy card package with relic card
Click here for the St Gemma Novena and Prayer booklet
Click here for 4 St Gemma holy prayer cards

Visit the NEW ST GEMMA STORE for all the items above!
-St Gemma, pray for us!
Fire! Fire in my heart! This morning it is burning...... Dear Jesus, I love you so much! I shall endeavor always to love You; I shall live to love You; I shall die to love You!....Give me wings oh Jesus, so I can fly to Your throne! ".....Can You see that as soon as the day breaks I think of You? As evening comes, I am near You.....I am near You at every moment.......I love You, Jesus....." "Jesus is the owner of my heart, and belonging to Him I find that I can smile, even in the midst of tears." "....Oh Jesus, it is you alone that I wish to love! I no longer belong to myself. I am Yours...." -St Gemma Galgani