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We look forward to providing you with reading, watching and listening materials again! Check out our online calendar at http://libertypubliclibrary.libcal.com or our Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/libertynypubliclibrary to view upcoming online programs. These may also be accessed on our website.
SUMMER READING REGISTRATION has also started at http://libertyplny10.readsquared.com.
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New! Apply for a Library Card online Complete the online application and if you are a resident of the Liberty Central School District, you will be mailed a library card for use with all our online resources: ebooks, emagazines eaudio, evideo, Rosetta Stone and databases. Upon re-opening, we ask that you stop by the Library and show us your photo id. Until then take advantage of all these free resources without having to leave your home! Download a magazine, listen to an audiobook, find an article, or learn a new language-all with your card!
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Books, DVDS, CDs, computers, wireless, magazines, programs, eBooks, eAudio...
We've been your hometown library since 1894! Friendly, efficient staff are happy to assist you in locating just the materials you need in the building, through our excellent library system, or online. Haven't been to the library in a while? Come see what you're missing and get your FREE library card today.
Library Hours
Tue, Thu 10 am -7 pm
Sat 10 am - 4 pm
Please note that all computer access including wireless shuts down 15 minutes prior to closing.
Questions? Call us at (845)292-6070
Liberty Public Library
189 North Main Street
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