All HPAC advising, mentoring and workshops will be conducted via Zoom, phone and email during regular business hours. Contact us at hpac@ucr.edu or call/text at (951) 888 - 1290.
The Health Professions Advising Center provides information, advising, and support for students who aspire to graduate/professional programs in the health professions and wish to enhance their academic and extracurricular preparation. Professional staff and peer mentors are available to guide students as they plan their pre-health professions course work, health-related experiences, service work, and research in preparation for applying to programs.
View our 2020 Highlander Orientation webinar, Preparing for a Career in the Health Professions.
Rivera Library B03 (Lower Level)
HPAC Office Hours:
Virtual Office Hours, 9am - 12pm, 1pm - 5pm
Tel: (951) 888 - 1290
Email: hpac@ucr.edu
Follow HPAC!
The Health Professions Advising Center offers:
- Information about health professions
- Individual and small group health professions advising
- Peer mentors
- Speakers, workshops, conferences, and events
- SocksCap64: 通过 SS/SSR 加速远程桌面 (mstsc) 连接 ...:使用教程 使用前提 请确保已经有 Socks5 代理(例如 ss等) CCProxy 配置 下载地址 按照下图添加一个记录 如果是 SS,填 “”,如果是其他的代理,填本机在局域网中实际地址 。 右键,选择 add an executable file 新建一个代理应用程序,把 mstsc
Find more information on:
- HPAC Staff/Ambassadors
- Workshops/Events
- Health Careers
- Co-Curricular Involvement
- Preparing to Apply
- Application Assistance
- Other Resources
Before scheduling an appointment for advising, you must attend a one-time, one-hour HPAC Introduction to Health Professions Workshop.
- Amber Nicholson - Tuesdays, from 2-4pm
- Charlie Scruggs - Thursdays, from 2-4pm
Drop-in virtually to ask HPAC advisors quick pre-health preparation questions. Drop-in hours are meant to be brief and are not a replacement for an individualized advising appointment - sessions are conducted in a group format. Drop-In Hours are Tues. & Thur. from June 16 - Sept. 17, 2020 via Zoom.
HPAC Newsletter
Google打不开?如何正确访问谷歌! – 逸香阁 - COAadmin:2021-3-12 · Tags: 技巧, 教程, 笔记, 资源 文 / COAadmin 2021-03-12 本文基于《署名-非商业性使用-相同方式共享 4.0 国际 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)》许可协议授权 (转载时请注明本文出处及文章链接)
Frequently Used Resources:
*Microsoft Office with Excel is required to use this calculator; available at 'mysoftware.ucr.edu'
Find out where our HPAC students have been accepted!
Upcoming Events - Health Professions Advising
The events system only shows the next upcoming event. If you do not see an event at your desired time, select the event and check the event details for more offerings.