… aims to bring innovative perspectives to understanding the United States and the diversity within its orders, to engaging the diverse peoples, nations, and communities across the Americas, and to exploring the accelerating movement of peoples and visions across borders—and across the hemisphere.
We promote faculty scholarship to facilitate conversations among disciplines and across borders. We organize a continuing faculty seminar and regular events to engage colleagues, students, and capital area communities in discussing the challenges of diversity and integration across the hemisphere—including historical and contemporary questions of political economy, culture and gender, social relations, racial and ethnic differences.
John Tutino, Professor of History, appointed in the College and in the School of Foreign Service, coordinates the activities of the Initiative.
Congratulations to John Tutino and the other participants in the Americas Initiative on the recent publication of the edited volume Mexico and Mexicans in the Making of the United States, (University of Texas, 2012). John Tutino and Katherine Benton-Cohen contributed chapters to the volume, which is the culmination of the first conference hosted by The Americas Initiative in April 2007.
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